Who is Mr. Floyd?

Mr. Floyd - Professional Science Teacher - Business Card

A graduate of Temple University's innovative TUteach program, Mr. Chase Floyd is a passionate, dedicated, and engaging science teacher who strives to go above and beyond to provide his students with an effective, exciting, and unique educational experience! Nicknamed "Chef Floyardee" by his student scientists, Mr. Floyd loves science and he promises to work as hard as he can everyday to make sure his students do as well!

Mr. FLoyd

Mr. Floyd's Resume and Teaching Credentials

Mr. Floyd's Classroom: The Chef's Kitchen


The following is a list of "Floydisms" aka classroom concepts created by Mr. Floyd that only his students would understand!

Untitled Document
  • DO NOW
  • QP (Qualitative Prompt)
  • AO (Academic Objective)
  • H-Dub (Homework)
  • Judging by the volume, it looks like we're wrapping up the DO NOW
  • SO!
  • Can I have a volunteer read the QP and AO for the class!
  • "Open books, work on today's-"
  • "No...the AO is on the bottom..."
  • CAPITALIZING words for added EMPHASIS!
  • KA2 Format (Know, Asked, Answer)
  • #Akila
  • "Let the Units Guide You!"
  • So we wanna know #BigScientificQuestion
  • Fun Scientific Phrase of the Day
  • Com-pe-ti-tion...QUICK LAB!
  • Tech-te-tech-tech-te-tech-tech-tech tech-know-led-gy CHEX!
  • VID CITY!!@!
  • VOLAB (Vocab Lab)
  • Re-re-re-REcord That!
  • Sci-ence Art-work! #ReadingRainbow
  • Lab Experiement UP...up...up..!
  • In-quir-eee!
  • Jot-this-down! (Jot-Down Notes)
  • Bah-ring...Bring-In's Lab!
  • Bell 2 Bell #WeWorkWhatInThisClass
  • Just Chefin' 👨‍🍳
  • Cooking Up DO NOWs and QPs
  • Mini-Floyardees
  • Tokka
  • Lichen Hunting
  • Calculators are Brought to You by our Proud Sponsor, W.B. Mason!
  • What the J?!
  • Blue Marks
  • SO!...for a little BLUE!...
  • Blue Mark Special #BlueIsAtSTEAK
  • Parking Lot Questions
  • Scientific Minds
  • Mad Sweater Collection
  • I have to wear long-sleeved sweaters...to cover up my tatoos!
  • I was born in 1958..no...really...!
  • Covering the Clock with Science
  • SGS (Study Guide Slide)
  • Vocal Quizzes that do not involve Talking
  • Read Rule #3 for the Class...
  • Dot Smiley-Face

Hobbies, Interests, and Favorite Things

Untitled Document
  • Anything and everything POSITIVE in our world!


The Life & Times of Floyd

Chase Floyd Throughout The Years: The Chef's Life in Pictures!

Mr. Floyd's Pets

Student Portraits of Mr. Floyd

Mr. Floyd's Fishing, Hunting, & Bucket-List Trips

Mr. Floyd's Coaching Career

Mr. Floyd's Part-Time Jobs

Mr. Floyd: Fitness Enthusiast

Mr. Floyd's Pocket-In-Time Stories

Mr. Floyd's Early Teaching Days

Floyd Family History

Mr. Floyd's House & Home

Mr. Floyd's UNFavorite Things & Future Goals

Mr. Floyd: RuneScaper

Mr. Floyd's Netizen Origins; Growing Up with the Web

Mr. Floyd's Teeth: Evolution of Tooth

Mr. Floyd's Many Hairstyles

Chase The Student

Mr. Floyd's College Years

How Mr. Floyd Became A Super-Hero: Ø The Wheel - The Unicycle Riding Super Hero Ø

Mr. Floyd's Favorite Music; BSB, Brickman, Rockapella, Summer Punk, CCM, and a Whole Lot More!

Mr. Floyd and the Pine Creek

Dark Side of the Floyd: You, Chaz Lloyd, and Evil Chef Dyolf - "It's Not Always Sunshine and Happiness"

Mr. Floyd's Aliases (Silas Cumberbatch Applebee, Etc.)

Mr. Floyd Takes on Television

Mr. Floyd VS The Beach

Billy's Trailer, Acresville, The Group-Kids, and TOWN!

Eating: Disorder in the Food Court #wesoeasilyforgethowbadthingsactuallyoncewere2-7-22quotetobegin wirting this, on a variety workout night i had this quote!#thiniingbacktopostdoctor2016penspinsittingfreezeday logicdeathshowerfeelibg!

Mr. Floyd VS eBay

The Day Mr. Floyd Became a Chef

Mr. Floyd: Gem Hunter

Attic Hunting - The Lost Gems, Floyd-Ghosts, and the Attic-Gods

Flea-Markets, Thrift Stores, The Old Wal-Mart, and The Blue Store

Mr. Floyd's Yearbook Mission; Bring Back The Best Place Ever aka DZ!

The Answer To Our Life - Mr. Floyd's Views on the Universe, God, Life, and Death (8-29, listening to MS, I put the cross on from a few months back that I got, and I got scratched by the pipe since this was a sign to take this seriously aka proof!!!)

Mr. Floyd: Placeholder l m c things

Click here to learn even more about Mr. Floyd!